Family of God,
Legacy of Worship, Int'l exist to equip members of the Body of Christ around the world to fulfill their destinies, and, in doing so, to gather the nations to worship Jesus. We trust you will avail yourself of this free resource and pass it on to the leaders of your church. We exist to be a blessing to you! Enjoy!
The "WHY" of Ministry
"WHY" you and I are in the ministry tops the list among the most important questions we can ask ourselves. "Why" speaks of the motivation, purpose and expectation each one has as ministers of the Gosepl of Jesus Christ. Surely, it is time for some introspection before we proceed into the future. May God be praised as you download today's message. Share it with as many as you can and want. God bless you big-time!
Posted on Wed, June 9, 2010
by Bill Faught
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