There is much available these days regarding the prophetic ministry. Libraries are lined with great books giving nearly every possible explanation on the use of Spiritual Gifts, especially prophecy, for Apostle Paul told us “to covet earnestly the best gift” that people might be edified, exhorted and comforted.
I have often wondered what name should be attached to other kinds of words (from flesh and the devil) people consistently struggle with. It would be correct to use the word “lies”, for a person’s belief system can be laced with the likes of flesh and the enemy. Recently, I was challenged by the Holy Spirit to look even further into attaching a name to this ploy of the enemy.
The Holy Spirit showed me that the core issue of this struggle is that we often believe what the enemy has said instead of what God has said. Again, it is correct to say that what the enemy has said is a lie, and what God says is true and truth to live by. However, both lies and truth are prophetic in nature. Follow me closely.
If we choose to listen, believe and plan according to the lies of the enemy, we have allowed the spoken by the enemy to attach itself to our belief system. This can set us on a course to fulfill the desires of the enemy. The same is true if we listen, believe and plan according to what God has said; we allow the spoken word (as well as the written word) of God to attach itself to our belief system and we are set on a course to fulfill God’s desires.
When I say both are prophetic in nature, I am not comparing God’s written and spoken word to that of the enemy. No way. The comparison lies within the heart of the believer and how lies or truth affects the element of faith.
Faith will lie dormant where the lies of the enemy abound. Faith is needed to reach to God in a crisis; faith is needed for finances, etc.
Simply stated, the enemy must be disallowed to decide our future. He and his lies must be dispossessed and God truth must be received. Today, I challenge you to strike down unbelief, every lie of the enemy and his attempt at stealing your future; whether that be in business, ministry, family, or personally. “Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered…”
Jeremiah was told by the Lord that he was selected to be a prophet even while he was in his mother’s womb. Speaking of Jeremiah’s destiny and job description, God further said, “…root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build and plant…” Obviously, there are great things in God to do that includes building and planting. However, in order to build and plant things on a solid foundation personally and corporately in the Body of Christ, there is the need to root out wrong concepts, pull down things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, destroy every false word of the enemy at every turn and throw down a kingdom that is called “darkness”.
Let us rise to the occasion, not with a sense of arrogance and bullishness, On the contrary, arise with faith that God is with us and will co-labor and empower us to destroy the works of darkness. Like Prophet Amos described in chapter 9, we must dispossess, drive out and stake the flag of God’s kingdom in our lives, homes, marriages, ministries, churches, cities, regions and nations. This is the day to begin the reversal of hell’s plans and enforce with confidence God’s End Time Kingdom objectives.
As always, if there is anything Lynda and I can do to help make you successful before God’s eyes, do not hesitate to contact us. It is would be our pleasure to do so…
Kiss the King,
Brother Bill
Posted on Wed, March 23, 2011
by Bill Faught, Jr.
filed under