When it comes to a leader’s vision actually being fulfilled, the words “Preparation” and “Implementation” are very important words.
Apostle Paul wrote, “When a man goes to war, he must count the cost”. Counting the cost is part of the preparation stage. I find it intriguing the amount of leaders I meet that don’t completely examine, plan, meditate, and pray through the different aspects of their vision before pressing on. Proper preparation can make the difference between success and failure.
My father often quotes a motto he learned while in the US Army. He says, “Plan your work, then work your plan”. At the risk oversimplifying the subject of vision and its success, my father has an excellent point. Planning becomes to foundation upon which we build the vision. Many great, praiseworthy visions have not come to pass because of poor planning and “not counting the cost”.
On the other hand, once we’ve made a great plan and heard from the Lord what should be done, “Implementation” of that plan is the next critical stage. Most often, leaders get lost in this part of the vision. How do you implement a great plan? Where do I start? These are questions frequently asked. But part of planning is seeing the sequence of the plan and knowing where to start.
One of the important parts of implementation is to surround yourself with people that strengthen the areas you lack knowledge and/or experience. This is one sign of a great leader in the making. We are not exclusive; neither are we an island. We can’t implement a great vision without those who are called to be “implementers”.
Visionaries have the dream; Implementers ask questions and deal with logistical issues that are often overlooked by the visionary. This is one reason why we need each other.
One example of this is to look at an Ant Colony. There is much work being conducted, but each group of ants has a different function. Obviously, relationships seldom work very well unless each stays in their prescribed place and function in the role that best suits them. Thus the reason for restating the former sentence: Visionaries dream; Implementers implement the vision.
Let us determine in our hearts to successfully co-labor with the Lord and those He gave care over us. Each of us has a place in the team. Each of us has a responsibility to the dream. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Brother Bill
Posted on Tue, June 14, 2011
by Bill Faught, Jr.
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