I am happy-sad. Let me explain. This example of an oxymoron best describes how I feel at this moment after completing our second Eagles’ Gathering in 2010. Never heard of it? The Eagles’ Gathering is a twice-a-year leadership summit (May and September). Even in its infancy, this gathering has quickly become a place for peer-level ministries to properly relate without threat of religious comparisons (other than God’s Word) and find inspiration for their personal and ministry visions.
You ask: Why would anyone be sad about that? The presence of any sadness is purely connected to the thought of so many ministries around the world that either do not have the opportunity or see the need to relate on this level.
Jesus painted a clear picture of the need to be connected to release God’s glory through both heavenly and earthly relationships. Read on for more... and please post your thoughts and remarks on this week's leadership blog.
Posted on Thu, September 23, 2010
by Bill Faught, Jr.