
New Year - New Things

New Year - New Things

By now all of us have just about reached full stride into the New Year. Prepare your heart to receive the New Things the Lord will be downloading to you for this New Year. “Behold, I do a new thing…” are the words of Isaiah. While there is nothing new under the sun (as Solomon declared), the Lord has a special way of re-introducing His plan and will to us in different ways we have not seen before. In this case, what used to be your ceiling becomes the floor to your next level of ministry. He makes all things new.

Let us not be blind to these New Things. Tradition and religion can blind us to New Things. The scriptures tell us He knows what we need before we ask. However, if we’re not looking His way, we can easily miss what He is saying and showing us.

One of Isaiah’s complaints about his generation was their inability to see and hear. He said, “They have eyes to see, yet they do not hear; they have wears to hear, yet they do not hear”. Jesus repeated this commentary in His day as well. Let this not be said about you and the ministry you are involved with.

Yes, these are challenging days. There are economic challenges; family challenges; cultural challenges and more. But challenges or conditions do not change God or move Him. Let us place our ears to His heart and listen…let us see life from His point of view…let us make full use of the reality that we are seated with Him in heavenly places.

As we press further into the New Year, set your mark to pay closer attention to the dynamics mentioned here. Set sail to experience God’s heart in every situation. Our ministry’s motto cannot improve on what Jesus said, “For without Him (the Father), I can do nothing”. God bless your labors of love!



Brother Bill


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