We’ve been teaching over the past three weeks about “releasing the glory of God through kingdom-relationships”. The thought appeared to me today to raise the question: “What should a person do if their ability to release this glory is broken”, and/or “How can one discover if their ability to release this glory is broken”?
The Lord took me immediately to Luke 6 and I found out “how” an enemy should be treated. An enemy, you ask? Think about this for a moment: it is a human (yet ungodly) to slip into the “enemy mode” when someone does us wrongly. At this moment, my mind is flooded with memories of many who become blinded by offense, including myself. When offense is taken, a “beam” or “mote”, as the King James Bible says, appears in our eye. A “beam” is defined in the Greek language as something that supports the offense, or refuses access to relationship for progressing further beyond that point. A “mote” is defined as a dry, withered stalk, twig, or straw chaff. Read on for more... and leave your coments. God bless you!
Brother Bill
Posted on Thu, October 14, 2010
by Bill Faught, Jr.