
Delayed Obedience...

Delayed Obedience...

Leaders are prone to be able to hear more clearly what God wants for others much easier than for themselves. In the spirit of this interesting reality, obedience is often delayed as leaders vacillate between the many options that can present themselves. However, delayed obedience is disobedience.

When somewhat confused about the will of God, leaders are encouraged to seek the counsel of other trusted ministries. Relationship is such a key element is the success of great leaders. In fact, the book of Proverbs tells us, “There is safety in a multitude of counselors”.

We may not always be excited to hear what trusted ministry friends share with us, but they are most often more objective and not blinded by the conditions and circumstances that surround us. How soon we forget that we are able to hear more clearly for others because we are the more objective one. Go figure!

The vulnerability of relationship is seen here, as leaders let down their guard long enough to demonstrate transparency while sharing their situation with another leader.

Remember: delayed obedience is disobedience. If you don’t want to remain in a disobedient mode, then do whatever it takes to see clearly enough to make the most righteous decision.

Lastly, one can be plagued with the fear of making the wrong decision that they make no decision. In either case, doing the wrong thing for the righteous reason would be counted as righteousness rather than doing nothing at all.

Lynda and I have been in that place at least twice in our ministry. Believe me; it is rather uncomfortable to be wandering in the fog of displacement, especially when others are depending on you. But we must press through and make the most righteous decision. If we make a mistake, it can be corrected. If we do nothing, we’ve gotten nowhere. Selah.

I trust you’ll respond correctly. This is a good season for you to be in. “Hear Him” are the words a prophet in the Old Testament. These are the same words encouraged today….blessings!



Brother Bill


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