1. God Shows Up: Major DUH, right? Yet a fair percentage of believers have fallen asleep at the wheel and no longer expect God to place His presence on display. So, in interest of describing the entire experience of an encounter with God, we must include the fact that "God really will show up". His desire from the beginning has been to walk among us. We're the ones who frequently say, "No thanks". Isaiah acknowledge the presence of God and yielded to Him.
2. God Places His Finger Upon the Unseen and Unrevealed Things: When God showed up for the prophet Isaiah, he knew immediately God was focusing upon the unclean part of his heart. When Isaiah saw the KING, the unholy was confronted by the Holy One; the unclean was confronted by the Sanctifier, and something or someone had to give. Interestingly enough, not only was the man of God willing to declare his uncleanness, but he also stated the condition of his nation. This encounter with God was not just about the prophet. We mustn't consume any experience with God totally upon ourselves.
3. God Ask Questions: How many time throughout the Bible do you find where God asks humanity a question? I'm not sure of the exact count, but there a several that immediately come to mind. In Isaiah's case, God asked, "Who will go for Us?" When God asks a question, He does not come from the position of not knowing us or our plight. He is Omniscient; He knows everything. So, if He is not asking for information, what is His intention? His desire is for us to discover the truth, as He sees it. This leads us to our next point.
4. God Anticipates Self-Discovery and a Response: Again, God will never lack wisdom, knowledge or understanding. But He does want us to discover a few things along the way. There are two areas of Self-Discovery: first, we need to discovery more about the lies we've believed that keep us locked up in self-made prisons; second, we need to discover more about the God who loves us. Isaiah discovered both, then he responded with the words, "Here I am, Lord. Send me." There's an engagement or activation that is necessary to complete the work God brings in an encounter.
5. God Further Establishes our Identity: we finally begin to see ourselves as God does. Isaiah saw his and Israel's uncleanness, but he did not stop there and wallow in self-pity of shame. The prophet repented and realized that encountering God came with a responsibility to make himself available to serve God's people. Isaiah no longer saw himself as just The King Uzziah's cousin. He accepted God's call and enlisted into His army.
6. God gave a Message to Isaiah: Once we have freely received, freely give. Everyone of us has a story to tell about encountering God. Tell it! If we do, we become God's agent on the earth and an answer to some one's prayer. The Children of Israel cried for a deliverer...along came Moses.
Whose answer to prayer will you be today...and tomorrow?
Posted on Mon, June 8, 2009
by Bill Faught
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