Of the many promises made to us in God’s Word, few are more exhilarating than the title of this week’s blog taken from John 14:19: “Because I live, you shall live also!”
Jesus spoke this well before His death upon Calvary’s cross. It was a timeless prophetic word heralded to His disciples and to the billions who have found hope in these eternal words since that day.
The word “shall” is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as “obligated, compelled and determined”. Think about this – Jesus has fulfilled His end of the promise – life is about fulfilling the last four words…”…you shall live also”.
The incredible confidence is Christ’s promise proclaimed is clearly seen. One song writer wrote: “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow”. Yes. This is absolutely true. It inspires even more hope to say: “Because of Jesus’ resurrection, He was compelled and determined, thus obligating Himself to make a way for us to live an abundant life in and through Him. His victory became ours! Praise the Lord!
Hear the Lord calling you to a higher place of relationship. You are no longer a servant, but a son or daughter of God. Sons and daughters hear the family discussion around the Father’s table. Servants miss the intimacy of family and this mentality fogs many minds of believers around the world. The reality of what the Father has provided through His Son, Jesus, is somehow looked passed and a form of bondage sets in that eventually becomes a self-made prison.
Child of God, the word “because” fortifies one of the many intentional purposes for Jesus to go to the cross. “We are obligated, compelled and determined” to live the abundant life” (as He defined it), because of Christ’s victory at the cross. Lift your vision higher, to a life He made for you. Otherwise, living beneath your privilege presents a cause for heaven’s witnesses to cheer less. They want you to win the race…but make sure you are on the correct course…Selah!
Have a bless Resurrection Celebration wherever you reside.
Because He lives…
Brother Bill
Posted on Fri, April 22, 2011
by Bill Faught, Jr.
filed under