Most often, we think of the story of the Woman at the Well in the context of salvation. Of course, that is a great application of the story and its message. However, another thought is to consider the application of this well being a continual source of nourishment…not just a onetime event.
Isaiah said, “With joy, we draw waters from the well of salvation”. While one might say that “joy is a dipper”, the line of thought today is to focus on the “drawing from the well”.
One will draw from what he desires. If you desire a drink of water from this well, you will draw from it – the drawing follows the desire.
Also, “drawing” brings a sense of longing after the water. It is amazing to see such lack of thirst in many of our churches. This lack of thirst reveals that a “longing for the water contained within the well” is severally missing. Truly, Jesus was illustrating that the need to go to the well was more than for salvation. C.H. Spurgeon once said, “We leak”. He was referring to the need for humanity to continue to be filled with what truly satisfies.
To confirm this and make it a more Biblical application, Apostle Paul said, “Be filled with the Spirit”. The Greek context would read, “Be continually filled with the Spirit”, which indicates the need to keep being re-filled, again and again, with the Spirit. I think you get the point.
Let our hearts longing be to “keep drawing from the well” where salvation begin. If Jesus is the Alpha, or beginning, then truly He is the Omega, the ending of every day, week, month, year and life. May the Lord bless you as this is considered…
For grace and glory,
Brother Bill
Posted on Fri, January 28, 2011
by Bill Faught, Jr.
filed under